Notes and Reflections Blog
Cathy is an essayist who writes from her base at Boomerang Creek. Her blogs range from gathering persimmons to thoughts on global pandemics. To share her observations, follow her at “Notes and Reflections".
Brave the Wild River
On March 20, 2024, President Joe Biden issued an executive order instructing the National Park Service to “highlight important figures and chapters in women’s history.”
The Taste of Things
I begin each day with an omelet. Simple and fresh. Made with one or two eggs whisked with a splash of water or cream and a pinch of thyme and Maldon salt flakes.
A Sundance Retreat
In the summer of 1994, I was invited by a friend from National Geographic to a retreat at the Sundance Institute in Utah.
Thoughts of Rome from Home
Chilly winds are at play with my thoughts these March days.
Onward and Upward
The first words that I uttered when I awoke March 1 were “Tibbar, Tibbar, Tibbar”— “Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit” as they say in Canada, only backwards.
Still as Stone
This brilliant March morning, snow still as stone has fallen on our world in the Sierra Nevada Foothills.
Famous Date Bars and Shakes
My earliest memory of dates (the kind that dangle in clusters from palm trees) goes back to my mother Alice’s kitchen in the 1960s.
Dabs and Chloe
Romance is at the heart of most great novels and movies. It is also still alive in the heart of the country.
Conversations on Wild Asparagus
In 1962, Euell Gibbons offered some thoughts on wild food.
Cultivating Asparagus
In A.D. 77, Pliny the Elder, a prolific Roman naturalist, penned his disapproval of cultivating asparagus. “Asparagus,” he wrote, “should grow wild so that everyone may pick it.”
January Moments
As February gets underway, I find myself reflecting on some of the events and moments that filled January 2024.
Beans and Cassoulet
This January, the New York Times featured a series titled “Well’s Mediterranean Diet Week.”
How to Cook a Wolf
January can be a cold month, long in weeks and spare in spirit. And so, I enter a soup phase this time of the year, working my way through the delicious pages of “The Soup Bible” cookbook and others on the shelves of our culinary kitchen library.
The Hard Edge of Winter
Recent reports of ice and blinding blizzard conditions on the east coast and in the upper Midwest remind me a drama that took place winters ago on the pond at Breakfast Creek.
Quotes from 2023
The past year has been hard.
A Walk in the Woods
In early December I took a walk in the woods at the end of our road with our son Hayden.
The Gift of Books
We shop the house, re-gifting and recycling from our own store of possessions—vintage clothing, tchotchkes from travels past, and favorite books that we love reading again and again.
Remembering Spannocchia
With a heavy heart, I recently learned of the passing of Randall Stratton (February 17, 1945-October 26, 2023).
Striving for Harmony
I recently read a poem by Mary Oliver that reminded me of how essential it is to connect with nature when the world is too much with us.
Thanksgiving Gatherings Near and Far
In today’s highly global, mobile and multicultural world, organizing a Salter family gathering during the holidays requires complex travel coordination as well as a blending of culinary traditions.