Peekay Chapter 2

Well, a lot has happened in Peekay’s life since he arrived at the Salter home in the Sierra Foothills a month ago.  He gives energy and joy to all who come to meet him.  And like the Himalayan salt lamp that his Aunt Lucia sent recently, he glows with by an inner light the color of honey amber. I introduced him in my blog published July 12, 2024, in case you would like to read about the origin of his name. While Kit remains in his rehab Lodge in Grass Valley, I keep the two connected with pictures and stories each day.

During July when it was beastly hot all over the world, we celebrated as a Spaniard won the Wimbleton Men’s Tennis championship and Spain’s soccer team defeated England in the European Soccer Championship match.  Peekay loves playing soccer with anything round within his reach. My bathtub and any area of our hardwood floor make great surfaces for his nimble soccer moves. Goal Peekay!

Our son Hayden flew from Madrid for a visit recently and met little Peekay and his furry friends Peekaboo, Biden Bear, and Mousey.  One evening we read the newest addition to his cat library—Graham Oakley’s 1972 classic children’s book The Church Mouse. Peekay especially loves the friendship between a little gray church mouse named Arthur and a ginger-colored church cat named Sampson who looks a lot like him.

When Hayden visits, he cooks. That’s how I learned that Peekay loves cheese. Unable to resist Hayden’s Mediterranean creations, Peekay climbed up my pantleg during lunch one afternoon, jumped onto the table, and stuck his pink nose into my bowl of pasta topped with freshly grated parmesan cheese. I explained that we’d have to work on his table manners, thank you, and instead served him two small Havarti cheese balls on a plate of his own.  He’s not a fan of Castelvetrano olives or lightly salted roasted almonds, but I’m keeping an eye out incase he discovers the chocolate covered almonds I sometimes dip into after dinner.

Politically aware that Cat Ladies like me vote, Peekay loves the idea of Vice President Harris becoming America’s first Madam President.  He also knows that Kamala is pronounced , la (like comma + la).  We’re both hoping her beautifully blended family moves into the White House next year and brings a kaboodle of cats with them.

Eager to stay fit, Peekay had his second visit to Nevada City’s wonderful 4 Paws Animal Clinic.  He was accompanied by his BFF Peekaboo who goes everywhere with him.  First, Peekay weighed himself on the scales.  “I’m 3.6 pounds!” he said proudly before picking Peekaboo up and plopping his toy friend on the scales.  That part of the visit was fun.  He loves Dr. Sue Lester and was delighted to learn that she has a ginger cat named Henry.  He was brave and showed great courage when he got two vaccination shots…one in his shoulder and one in his thigh. 

By evening, poor little Peekay was quite out of sorts and slept all night on a soft goose down comforter, waking up the next morning very sore and without any appetite.  I kept him company throughout the morning as he slept surrounded by Biden Bear and Peekaboo and Mousey.  Happily, he began playing with my big toe three hours later and showed interest again in some breakfast. 

Kit is happy to know that Peekay has become a big fan of National Geographic Magazine and that  I shared a fascinating article in the August 2024 issue about the renaissance of the 483-mile-long Seine River in preparation for the 2024 Summer Olympics taking place in Paris.  He also read an article about a new kind of small feline called a Tiger Cat that scientists have confirmed lives in Latin America.  They are only 5 pounds and 2-5 feet long, including their 1-foot tail and have spots all over their backs like the ones on Peekay’s belly.  

Now a week into the 2024 Paris Olympic, Peekay has been studying his little book, Advanced French for Exceptional Cats.  And to keep up with Peekay, I’m seriously considering signing up for online conversations in French with a tutor who lives in NYC.  But that dear reader is another story for another day.


Kit at 86


Snapshots from Longmire Days